Growth and Mindfulness Coaching

Growth and Mindfulness Coaching with Dr. Phil Bennett

mindfulness promotes growth…

As you look at this picture try to place yourself there. It’s a cool fall morning. It rained the night before. What might it smell like? You can see the stream, imagine the sounds of the stream, wind, leaves. Can you feel the coolness on your skin? There is history in this place. We can be mindful of that or dismiss it. These are only a few of the things I could have been mindful of as I stood in this place. Any moment in life offers us the opportunity to be fully present, aware of ourselves, others, our environment… so we don’t miss the beauty, or the suffering, or the growth that all of life’s seasons offer us. Every moment of life we can choose to be present and enriched. Mindfulness is the foundation for growth. If we want to change, then first we have to be aware…